Welcome to North Idaho Voter Services

Electing qualified candidates with voter participation and trustworthy information is our mission. We are powered by the conviction that every vote counts! With qualified leadership, we can address the challenging issues confronting North Idaho. 

Tools and Facts for Voters

Get Details on How to Vote

Most voters live busy lives. There’s little time to navigate voting requirements and deadlines. Our focus at NIVS is to provide information that will make voting convenient.

 For voting information, click here – Voting.

Learn about CANDIDATES

Misinformation & political rhetoric cloud the current landscape. Learn about candidates and recent election results with NIVS. We will announce candidates and provide background as they step forward for each election.

To find out more, click here – Candidates.


Learn about the 2024 Idaho Legislature. The 2024 Idaho Legislative Session starts in January 2024. For up to date information about the 2024 session, view our Legislature Resources.

For up to date information about the 2024 session click here – Legislature.

Timber the Wonder Dog says ...

We’re dedicated to the belief that we can. WE CAN elect qualified candidates. With qualified leadership, we can address the challenging issues confronting North Idaho: jobs, education, and growth.

We’re determined to make a difference. Our tasks are serious but we will keep a sense of humor. To help us, we have recruited Timber the wonder dog. She considers herself the best doggone political pundit going — but she doesn’t mind taking a break from serious stuff to play ball. We’ll use her as our inspiration to do the same during the coming elections. 

Qualified Candidate Endorsements

General Election, Nov. 5th, 2024

Bonner County Endorsements

Boundary County Endorsements